e10 Retail – Point of Sales (POS)

Our mission is to enhance the competitive position of our clients by equipping them with state-of-the-art IT solutions and continuously providing them with value-added services and support. Seventhsense Technologies is a niche service provider in business software, serving many customers worldwide with deployment of solutions in more than 900 locations. These customers include both large enterprises and midsize companies. Along the way, Seventhsense Technologies has accumulated a unique knowledge base of best business practices, including both cross-industry and industry specific practices that are used in the solutions. The Seventhsense Technologies tradition of leadership continues with a new generation of software that gives your company unprecedented speed and flexibility to improve your bottom line by improving planning across your enterprise: 


  • Tracking of Sales by shift
  • Tracking of Stock by shift
  • Multiple pricing for single product
  • Data synchronization of central system with standalone
  • Pricing update to all shops.

OVERVIEW OF PURLYNT RETAIL POS SOLUTION: e10 Retail POS offer a state-of-the-art POS and ERP solution for Retail Industry. The Retail POS is available for Desktop as well as central solution; it supports to synchronize of desktop / outlet data from desktop and central system. The Retail POS system supports to minimize manual mistake, increase the speed of transaction process, Capture accurate information of sales and payment, Reduce stock discrepancy, and Track real time sales and shortage items. Central system includes functions of procurement, inventory and Employee Details. The key features available in e10 Retail POS system can be summarized into following distinct Retail POS Enablement processes.

ITEM & PRICING CONFIGURATION: Product sale price will be defined at Finished Goods level will be defined in item pricing module of e10 ERP central server. Item pricing module will have facility to define the sales price at each finished goods level per location or combination of locations. This will be done in ERP central server and this master information will be integrated with POS module. Item pricing can be updated through central and desktop system. Special discount can be defined for employee of contract customer and it can be extend to specific period.

STOCK TRANSFER: Required materials of outlets are captured through Material request from Local to central warehouse. In real time, centralized system facilitates to issue the item against the request. Receipt screen helps to capture the information of received items.

POS SALES & PAYMENT: Customer picks up the purchase item from rack / collects from sales staff and goes to sales counter with purchase item for billing. Cashier scans the purchase item one by one up to last through barcode. Once item scanning is over, system generates total sales value of transactions. Customer pays cost of purchase items by cash, Card, and Vouchers. Cashier receives payment and register payment details to system. The sales transactions end with paid status. Barcode, Touch screen and manual entry methods are using for update sales transaction to system. Quick sale function provides more speed to complete payment process. It provides facilities to track the sales volume by sales staff. If required, Cashier can hold and recall the sales transactions.

DATA SYNCHRONIZATION: In those locations where there is a bandwidth or connectivity issue, there will be a facility to store the transaction data for the day and the same will be integrated with e10 ERP on a daily basis at the end of the day operation. It can be automated through schedule process. Real time integration with ERP on the following:

  • Receipt of items in POS against delivery from Distribution Centre.
  • Sales & Sales return details.
  • Finished goods with price details


  • Easy - to -use and handy.
  • User screen access rights can be controlled through user privilege setup. Rights can restricted up to action level like Write / Update / View the record.
  • Facilitates to find category and sub category of item through item number.
  • Facilitates to sort the items based on category.
  • Facilitates to update sales using bar code or manual operation using touch screen system.
  • Facilitates to raise material request and material Receipt functions.
  • Different product pricing strategy can be maintained for each store.
  • Helps to configure different discount percentage to group of employees.
  • Bills can be settled through Cash, Card, and Vouchers as well as multiple currency and multiple credit cards.
  • Facilitates to settle the bills value by Cash, Card, and Vouchers with different compensations.
  • Multi card payment facilities
  • Multi voucher payment facilities
  • Helps to view sales for the shift \ day
  • Facilitates to speed up sales process with Quick sale function.
  • Facilitates to recall the hold sales.
  • Special pricing can be done for particular product to the specific period.
  • Helps to map group of employee with special discounted pricing.
  • Product and discount can be mapped to employee \ group of employee.
  • Facilitates to closing the store by automatic at end of the day on scheduled timings
  • Reports like Hourly sales trend, cash and card payments summary, Daily sales summary (DCR), Sales Analysis report, Product category based sales summary, Statistical reports etc.,


  • Track sales transaction.
  • System indicates, if any excess payment collected from customer.
  • Easy to calculate complimentary item sales.
  • It supports to map discounts for the item to specific customer.
  • Update item price from central system.
  • Daily master and transaction records synchronization from server to standalone and vice-versa.
  • Speed up sales transaction processing; reduce manpower utilization time for making sales entry.
  • Daily cash receipt report. It includes base currency converted value with multi currency collection value.
  • Easy to track cash & card sales transaction.
  • Easy to search item by sorting through category.
  • Advantages of Central systems on the following areas.
  • Price updates from central / head office.
  • Visibility of stock at outlets.
  • Visibility of slow/fast moving stock at different outlets.
  • Visibility of material issue against request.
  • Management can view real time sales.
  • Download Product Brochure for POS Restuarant
  • Download Product Brochure for POS Retails

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